Welcome and thank you for visiting the information page for the Northern Parke County Regional Sewer District Project. The goal of this page is to provide you with information and resources related to a proposed new sewer system for Marshall and Bloomingdale, Indiana.

Currently, these towns are unsewered and handle wastewater through conventional septic tanks and adsorption fields. Some of these septic tanks have been failing. Failing septic systems create numerous public health and environmental issues and the inability to sell property or expand facilities to support job growth.

In order to alleviate these issues, a working group consisting of Marshall, Bloomingdale, Rockville and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officials are pursuing funding through the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development (USDA RD) program as well as the Indiana Finance Authority State Revolving Fund (FDA SRF) program for a project to serve these unsewered communities.

The proposed project includes provisions to construct sanitary collection systems and send wastewater flow from the Marshall, Bloomingdale, Turkey Run Elementary School and Turkey Run State Park to the existing wastewater treatment plant in Rockville. No new wastewater treatment plant will be constructed.

We ask for your engagement, questions and support.

See the links below for more information on the project.


Connecting to the New Sewer

Costs to Consider

Meeting Minutes - 2024.05.14

Parke Co. Regional WW Public Hearing Slides - May 2024

Project Profile

Sewer District Boundary